Sunday, March 16, 2008

Batman The Animated Series - Title Cards

Yesterday, after seeing the cover art for the upcoming Batman: Gotham Knight, which is an animated direct-to-video anthology film of six animated short films set in-between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, I was inspired to revisit my DVD set of the original Batman: The Animated Series. I absolutely loved this show growing up. Upon this most recent re-visitation of the much loved show I was really struck by the artistry and thought that was put into the title cards. These title cards are very much a throw back to the animated films of the time period the show takes place in. I've posted a few above but you can see a complete gallery of all of them here. I have no idea what I am going to do for my AM short film in a few terms but if I can find a way to incorporate a title card scheme such as the ones used in this series it's definitely something I would like to do.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Yes! I love those title cards too. So classy.