The picture above was posted on the official Facebook page for Barack Obama this evening with the simple caption "Four more years." I am very happy about the outcome of the presidential election this evening. Given the choices I think his was the better vision again for our future. Congrats Mr. President.
California disappointed on the other hand and shot down two propositions that I cared very deeply about. The first would have ended the Death Penalty in California (Prop 34) and the second would have required specific labeling on food that has been genetically modified (Prop 37).
When all is said and done I am just happy this is all over. I've been extremely disappointed to see my friends and family say such ugly and hateful things over the last 6 months on Facebook. The internet and social media in particular entices people to say things they would probably think twice about saying in person. It's a shame to see people I respect get so nasty over something as petty as opinions and politics. I wish we could all agree and disagree in a more civil manner. I'm reminded of Ephesians 4:29 which says "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
Please pray for our country and our leaders. Please pray for rich and poor alike. Please be kind to one another and love others just as Christ has loved us.
1 comment:
Well said! Even if we don't agree on everything politics. ;)
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