Saturday, April 29, 2006

Festival Of Books 2006

We decided to take a little family trip today! Last week I saw an insert in the Sunday paper about the Festival Of Books held annually at UCLA. I brought it up with Annie later in the week thinking it would be a fun little thing for the three of us to do and we decided to go. I have never been to the UCLA campus and I'll have to admit that it is gorgeous. The architecture and landscaping are top notch. It was fun browsing all the booths talking to authors and illustrators. We had a picnic on the grass (pictured above) and really just had a nice leisurely time. I was able to get a glimpse of the Art of Cars book and it looked fantastic! The other thing that I found neat was Sony had a booth where they were showing off their new Reader digital book tablet thingy. I know what your thinking... haven't these things been around for a while? The answer is yes and no. Yes, digital book type tablets have been around for a while but they never really took off because of the eye strain caused by trying to read a novel off the backlit LCD screen for long periods of time. This Sony Reader is different. There is no eye strain and the thing is so sleek. Honestly they had a few out on their table and I though it was a mock up of some sort until I saw a guy pick it up and change the page. It's really amazing. I don't know if I'd run out in get one, they come out this summer, but if they catch on and the price comes down over the next few years I'd love to get one for Annie. You can read more about it here:
Anyway we had a fun day and I am looking forward to going again with my family in the future.

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